Thank you for sharing your inspiring story, Carlos! I requires great faith to thank God in times of difficulty. Many times, I fail to do that. Do pray for us that we may have a spirit of faith that can surrender to God with gratitude and love. God bless!

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Thank you Jocelyn! Through the intercession of Servant of God Dolindo Ruotolo, I do pray on a daily basis for all those who want to surrender -- that they open their hearts to receive God's love and mercy with full and unconditional trust, confidence and obedience. Hope you have a blessed day!

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Thank you for sharing your story of surrender, Carlos.

It deeply touched me. And helps me on my own "journey of surrender".

Love & Blessings, Malaika

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Malaika, I really appreciate your thoughtful and heartfelt message about my story of surrender. Thanks be to God for it moving you in such a way to help you in your journey. Although I used to never want any of the crosses the Lord sent my way, I am now grateful for all of them. I realize now that He blessed me with the gift to share with others the following message: that, by accepting our crosses, with gratitude and peace, that's the best way to carve a path to heaven. Because it is precisely being in the middle of carrying one's cross that I have found His love and mercy overflowing in my life. What a gift of mercy! I hope you have a blessed rest of the day!

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Thank you so much, Carlos.

Wow, that is beautiful!

Let me tell you one more thing: When I listened to your story of surrender yesterday, there was one more thing that stuck out to me. Me too, in one of my most difficult times of my life, carrying the cross, I had a similar experience with a deer! It was as if the deer told me to become softer in my heart and surrender... it is hard to explain but it was a very touching and crucial moment in my story... I should probably write about it... ;-)

Have a blessed rest of the day and week :-)

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How remarkable.

(Who knew deers could be so dangerous!)

I look forward to reading it.

Have a blessed day!

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